[ http://www.rootshell.com/ ] From feh@netstat.net Tue Apr 14 08:25:10 1998 Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 10:01:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Netstat Webmaster To: info@rootshell.com Subject: MacOS based buffer overflows... Eudora Internet Mail Server vs. 1.2, 2.0, 2.01 DoS Telnet to port 106 of an EIMS server. Type USER xxxxxxxxxxxx(at least a 1000+ char string). EIMS will crash. Occasionally taking the entire machine with it. --- Apple's Web Sharing DoS Telnet to port 80 of a Web Sharing server (built into system 8.0+). Upon connect enter any string of at least 3000+ characters. Hit return twice, Web Sharing will stop servicing. It does not seem to make the server any less stable and Web Sharing seems to be able to be restarted with out a reboot and without any ill effects. Phanty.